Movie Review: Pride & Prejudice
This is a must-see. I love the novel. It’s my first and most fave Jane Austen’s. I stumbled upon the book (it was my sis’) when I was 12. Read it and read it for like God knows how many times. The best thing about this movie it that it kept to the original novel as much as possible. It’s such a pleasure to actually hear those familiar dialogs being spoken on the big screen. Just the ending la Hindustan sikit..U know, I noticed Hollywood getting more Hindustani lately… Semestinye la Mr. Darcy berjalan kat meadow, timbul dr kabus2 pagi, dengan ruffled hair and unbuttoned shirts..fuh! hahaha..I don’t recall that sexy bit of him from the book though…anyway, like I said, it’s a go see la!
you actually read the book?! wow... going past the first chapter is a miracle in itself for me....
Naper? Ko tak suka ke? Aku memang suka citer omputih dulu2...gaun kembang2 :)) tapi last2 aku pegi US..silap continent.
aku suka... cuma like you, i read it when I was 12... and... sambungan kat blog aku nantik... heheh
U can join my club, holiwood; I can lose myself in the moors, with the pompous Darcy or the dangerously hunky Heathcliff even better, no real man can measure up to that kind of romance, I tell you!
Thanks for your comment, anonymous. "Ms?" What do you mean?
Thot he was your romance and heartbreak of the year; got over that one?
Yup. Over and done with. No regrets.
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