Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Baby Aslan

3 days after lil' Andrew's birth, Baby Aslan was born. Baby Aslan is the bundle of joy of proud first-time parents; Ed and SL. Ed is one of my best of friends. We've been friends since 1993.

Sadly, I don't have a picture of Baby Aslan. Well, that's what happened when a not-so-avid blogger visited the hospital with a non-blogger friend. Both of us terforgot to capture the moment. I actually had the intention of visiting them again once they are home but so far, had not found the time. I actually called up Ed 2 weeks back, she was busy, didn't pick up. She called me back but I was in a meeting. And I haven't called her back since. Seriously, tak sempat...

I can't quite recall what made us buddies. Yes, she was my classmate then, we were the lucky few who got the "advance" seats into freshman year. Maybe it was one of the first projects assigned that got us into the same group and we became close since then. I don't know what is it about her but some found her to be..I dunno..weird? I really dunno how to describe it, guess only those who find her that way will know. I could still recall being asked by my roommates;
"Nape u hang out ngan Ed?"
"Why not?"
"Tak best la..hang out la ngan yg glam2"

I'm pretty good with comeback by nature but that was one of the rare moments that made me dumbfounded. I couldn't believe it, it came from RN. Nak pilih kawan pun kene tengok rupa ke? Unbelievable. Ok, I must admit Ed is no bombshell, she' on the round side. And me the skinny one. So together, we look like number 10. Heck..the perfect 10! Ok apa! Lantak la orang nak kata apa...she's still my friend, a friend with a heart of gold.

At the hospital I also met SL's nephew AN. This is the nephew Ed was so excited to introduce me to when she and SL were still dating. Later, I found out SL isn't keen on making the introduction. Apparently, SL wouldn't recommend his own nephew. AN is highly successful but a typical cold, hard , cocky and righteous over achiever. Hmm..sounds familiar..another GT? hehe..nevermind, I wasn't interested either the moment I heard he's still in mid 30s. Still a boy..he actually flopped into the hospital chair and said.."so, did u see me on tv last night?" Ahh..apparently he was on some live talk show/forum discussing politics. Kok iye pun, tunggu la pakcik/makcik tanya dulu..die pulak yg bukak story.

Anyway, back to Ed, I wish her all the best in juggling her new life as a wife, mom and career woman. She's strong, determined with a cool head on her shoulder. I know she will manage well. As I took so long to post this, Ed would have been back to work by now..or is it next week? :D

To Ed, thank you for being my friend. I thought I would lose Ed when she got married but SL is cool..he's in..welcome to the circle. Same goes for baby Aslan.


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