Thursday, August 10, 2006

You gotta ask!

In life, you gotta ask! I decided to write this when I was browsing through the many resumes that came in from our job ad in the papers. Yes, we've been trying to hire since beginning of the year. We interviewed a few candidates but none met the requirements. So we advertised a another round but that's besides the point. So as I browsed through the resumes, (I must say these are much better than the first round of applications), one "popped" up to me.

Firstly, yes, he's good looking :D, nice photo, second was his extensive experience in this field but it was more of the salary he asked for that caught my attention. Too much? No way! It was in fact too little. Why am I complaining? To an employer, this should be good news, right? Well..I'm not so sure. Something doesn't seem right here. Given his age and extensive years of experience he should be asking a whole lot more. Heck, he's should not even be applying for such junior post. I don't think he's desperate as he still has a job. Maybe he should have done his homework and check the market rate. Or maybe he has been stuck in a low paying job all this while that he thought what he asked is the market rate. Whatever his reasons, I'm sure he wouldn't mind getting more. Then why not ask for it? Why value himself so little? The imbalance between his age, experience and salary expectations makes his resume looks fishy. Not good.

In life I believe you gotta ask for what you want. Never mind if others don't think you deserve it. You'll never know the outcome unless you ask. Dream big, aim high, coz you're worth it!


At 1:10 AM, Blogger Vegie said...

Well said Holiwood ! In life, it is so important to know our worth.


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