Thursday, October 27, 2005


This is just to note that I'll be back to write on the photos I posted. Since I was on Picassa, might as well post the photos I want to write about first. The writing will come later. Tengok la masa cuti-cuti raya nanti..hehe..

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

CeBIT Opening Ceremony - Lawak giler...

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Hannover City

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CeBIT Hannover 2005 - Malaysia Pavilion, Malaysia Night

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CeBIT Hannover 2005 - The Team

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CeBIT Hannover 2005, Germany

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Vienna - Naschmkt, Zanoni Zanoni, etc

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Vienna - Saturday Market

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Vienna - Albertina Museum

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Vienna, Austria

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CeBIT Asia - The Team, The Show

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CeBIT Asia 2005 - Shanghai, China

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Salt Lake City - Chillin' & Shoppin'

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Broadband Cities 2005 - The Team

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Broadband Cities 2005 - Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

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My Favourite Renoirs

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Endon - Crowd at Sri Perdana

Posted by Picasa Fuh..ramai giler orang. This is the first time I went to menziarah VVIP's funeral. Tak sangka pulak boleh pergi. At first takde intention pun, Azl ye ye je.."kalau Siti Hasmah I sanggup beratur malas lah". Azi pun, "ha ah, kalau Siti Hasmah memang sanggup". See, we all ni die hard fan Tun and wife. Tengok2 keluar memo - compulsary! hehehe..boleh je kalau nak ignore but tiba2 semua tukar lah, bas dah ada, tinggal naik je. Opis pun kosong. Azi lagi best "Pergilah.. I pun dah lama tak gi Sri Perdana...". And I was sucked in as well. Ye tak ye, tak pernah lagi experience menziarah kematian VVIP. Selalu tengok kat TV je..might as well.

So off we went. 2 buses. Rombongan menziarah cum meminang, siap dengan orang tua2..(bosses) hehehe...saba je. Pagi2 masuk opis semua kecoh.."we have a calon for you!"
"Huh, Siapa?"
"Pak Lah"
"Laa...dah meninggal ke?"
"Dah..pagi tadi. Cepat la tackle."
"Ishh..tak mau la..tak minat"
"La..tak nak? Why?"
"Tak sanggup bermenantukan Khairi" hahahaha...

Anyway, what I do not have in these pictures are:

1. Hishamudin (pujaan hatiku) and wifey. What a handsome couple. Tinggi lampai. God bless them both.

2. Jumma n Nazir. One of most recent celeb couple in town. Niz bising “Jumma tak kurus pun. Jumma tak kurus!”. Laa..dulu die kurus ke? Tak tahu la pulak..tak follow. Anyway, yes she looked berisi. She is definitely not the naturally thin type la…more like curvy fleshy one. Kalau tak jaga out. Tapi complexion lawa la..very the putih..sama licin ngan Nazir. Tapi Emm kata muka die sembab “ni sah2 lepas project malam tadi” “Pandai2 je ko Emm”. “Ye lah, orang dapat bini muda..baru kawin bulan puasa lak tu”. Tapi Jumma muka happy sangat muah2 ngan datin mana tah..kok iye pun buat la muka sober..kematian kan, ni gelak2 senyum lebar macam pergi beraya pulak…apa2 pun, sunglasses die lawa.

3. Mala n Hubby. Datin Seri Mala n Dato’ Seri Azmi. I only saw the hubby but my friends saw them both. Good for you Mala. Sah2 die jumpa Jumma kat dalam. Sib baik dah jadi Datin Seri. So she can say to Jumma “U took over my show. U took over my guy. But hey, u r just a Datin, I’m Datin Seri” hehehe…suka2 hati je aku buat script. Body wise, Mala lagi well maintained lah…terbukti with her age. I wish I could look just as hot in my 40s nanti..AMIN.

4. DSJJ. Yang ni memang natural-born-crowd-controller. Siap naik atas tembok and shouted to the crowd “Jangan tolak2, ke belakang!” Something like that la..yang ni I missed. My friends bagi tahu. Azi and Ave siap nyorok. “Tunduk2, kang dia nampak kita sah2 suruh kita usher pulak”. Tapi tak sia2 effort dia, he made it into the papers, NST ke Star…satu page ngan Pak Lah. Polishing act recognized. He’s one excellent politician. Misti Keng Yek tak puas hati..”Hey, I did my part too”. Sorry la Keng Yek, you shouted from the steps “who is the officer-in-charge, where is the officer?”, DSJJ from the tembok. The steps tak cukup outstanding.

5. Gesel2an with Tun Hanif. Hahahaha…Niz la gesel habis. I sikit2 je. Sian Tun, basah kuyup baju dek peluh. Tapi die cool je. He didn’t mind. Dia tak masuk pun, sampai kat porch je, terus patah balik. Tak tahan. Tak tahan berasak2 ke tak tahan kene gesel? Hahahaha...die senyum2 je ;)

6. And other celebs and personalities...MB melaka, ahli2 parlimen, org2 besar polis, tentera...masa nak exit tu I walked behind a Datuk askar mana as he came down, VVIP lain were coming up the steps, they greeted him and wanted to greet me too, die ingat I was with him ke apa? Hahahaha..lawak. Bill Keith pun ada, Ramli Ibrahim..dan ramai lagi.

So itulah die celebrity sightings at Sri Perdana. Kira happening la jugak. Without them the long queue and crowd would have been unbearable. Thank you, Celebs, for making it a better day!


"Berkayuh-kayuh perahu tangkap ikan di hulu,
Tak tertinggal bekalan kuih Bahulu,
Berpuluh-puluh bulan berlalu,
Tak terlupa kenangan kita dahulu."

Our days/memories at OSU always on my mind.

Got the above from Har this morning. Sorry OSU folks..I must disagree. Sememangnya I terlupa kenangan kita dahulu. And our days/memories at OSU are far from my mind. I have to try hard to retrieve those days. Ni macam computer yang dah clogged up with archived files..kene search through the directories, locate the folders and finally, the file. Basically the file is still there somewhere, just no “shortcut” to it - search effort required. Same goes with our days/memories.

Tc asked (after hours of ramblings on his good old days) “don’t you have stories to share?”.
“Nope, not good at talking about myself. Memories? I forget, especially if they are unpleasant. ”

He said I have a good denial system. I call it letting go and moving on.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Announcing the Arrival of Holiwood!

I have arrived! Holiwood is here, finally. Thank you so much Che Din for your tunjuk ajar, and Norli for witnessing the founding of this blog. Well, we shall see how far I go with this..haha..

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