Thursday, April 27, 2006

Health mishaps

This by far has been a bad week for me, never had I experienced a week full of health mishaps. First I had the cold..which wasn't that bad considering fever was low and the cold medicine was really effective, but then my voice is still sengau..still that is minor compared to the sudden neck and shoulder pain I had. The thai massage helped, GT's heat pack was a bliss but his swedish technique was overated :)).

And as if the neck-shoulder pain wasn't enuf to keep me stiff, I choked on a fish bone. Believe it or not, yes, I choked on a fish bone! And the ENT surgeon had the cheek to argue.."no bone, just ulcer". I was like, kepala hotak! "There's a fish bone stuck in there!" "No, I can't see it, just uler". True, even with the what-do-u-call the little camera in my throat, the little TV in front of us didn't show the damn bone. "Ayo, if the bone broke already and stuck inside, then I cannot pull it out". Oh, thanks doc, so much for calming down your patient.

Finally, after few tries and me struggling and chocking on his "deep throat" procedure, he picked the bone out using one of those sharp, long special scissors... thank god I hadn't had a meal that morning or I would have poured all over him. And there it was..a tiny bone at the tip of his scissors.."yeah..u got it, told u there's a fish bone!"

That's the good news, the bone is out. The bad news? The tiny devil cost me RM450. Yes a cut-throat price for a deep-throat treatment. The doc showed me the bone "nah..u wanna hold it?" I was like "NO!, throw the devil away!". Now I realized.. I should've taken a picture!

Oyster & Pearl

Ever eaten an oyster and found a pearl in it? Well, that nite we did. When LB said he's serving fresh oyster that nite, I asked "will they come with pearls too? :D". And amazingly, one of them did! Now, the pearl wasn't found as in the picture - all nicely set on the oyster like that. LB sort of bit into it while enjoying one of the oysters..thank god, he didn't swallow it. He threw it onto the plate, it made a sound..I thought it was just a pebble but hey...a pearl! So we set it up nicely on the remaining oyster, put some salad around it, bit of garnishing on top and snap snap away with our cameras. This is the best snap I made, the rest was blur.. I was trying to get a close up so that the pearl is bigger and clearer but the results were blur shots. "Your camera phone manade macro function!", KM pointed out later... " tak ye.." :D Posted by Picasa

Thursday, April 13, 2006


Looking at KK, you would never have guessed he is a speed demon. Wait till TC sees this, sah2 die menangis. Hehe..I took this pic just to spike him. TC, eat your heart out...I rode in your dream Fairlady.

Am not into Jap machines. Hi five, DA! I was first introduced to this Model last year at the motor show. TC is crazy about it. Haven't seen him for awhile now. Heck, I haven't seen most of friends for awhile now. TC is one of those unlikely friends I have. I didn't like him at first. He constantly brags about his good old and current days. But the moment I shelved him under the "your opinion doesn't matter" department, our friendship came to an interesting twist. I guessed I earned more respect from him that way.

It was sweet of him to have introduced me to ..what's his name?? Hahaha..seemed like a good guy but totally not my type. At the end of the date I knew very little about him but I learned a whole lot about aerospace technology and MACRES :D

And yes, TC also did the sweetest thing on my birthday. Still not too late for me to return the favor. I checked, I still haven't missed his birthday. I also realized he shares his birthday with someone else close to me. similarity in character between the two though, other than both are seasoned flirts :D

Though we only spoke briefly upon my return to KL, TC is still himself, shares his life story and brags and I would just let listen and learn. You have no idea how much it pays to keep my mouth shut he he he... ;) Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Brabus Babe

When this babe zoomed passed the Hartamas traffic light last month, my jaw dropped. Wow, what a sight. Beautiful side profile. I knew it was a Mercedez but which model? Now the mind boggling question has been answered. It’s called a CLS B7. This one is a Brabus. The best part about it is that it’s a 4-door coupe. But KK said coupe fans are upset. A coupe means 2-door. A 4-door is a Sedan. That’s the issue. Whatever… I love big limo type cars so this one, combined with a coupe-look, is just perfect.

Speaking of 4-door Vs 2-door reminds me of GG – my former colleague. A rich man’s son, happening, smart and mostly, a very good friend. “Why don’t you get a bla-bla-bla?” Rich boy just got his trust fund money released and selecting a car to buy. “No, I can’t. That’s a 2-door. Must get 4-door. Otherwise cannot bring my friends around” Oh…is he a good friend or what…beli kereta pun fikirkan kawan-kawan..we were so touched!

The last time I saw him was after he left the company for over a year for a much much better offer. He was with his ugly duckling girlfriend. Call me mean, but really, I have no idea how else to describe her. She’s katik (short) and kinda chubby with a really tongget behind. That was the first time I saw her and Donald Duck images flashed before me. I had to blink a few times to stop the flashing images. Okay, so maybe I was biased in my description. I must admit I never really get it why GG left his long term angelic, sweet girlfriend for this ..arghh..Donald Duck came flashing again..stop! And there was GG, following behind her, dutifully carrying the shopping bags, so not like himself, where is my smart and flamboyant friend? I just watched them from afar, I couldn’t bring myself to go over and say hi. I was afraid I would be staring. Heaven forbids I might even blurt the word “Duck” out loud. So I walked away. I heard he went to a bar one night, met her and the next day, dumped his girlfriend of 6 yrs. Looking at them that day I could only conclude one thing – she must be really, I mean, really good in bed!

The last time I heard, GG got a huge job in the States and was making plans to bring her along. GG, wherever you are, whoever you are with, I wish you happiness always! You’ll always be that sweet guy who ditched a coupe for a sedan for the sake of his friends.

Flying Home

Strangely, whenever I'm in Europe I feel so at home. Whenever I'm away, I miss it a lot. On my liking everything European, VG once asked "Were you a European in your past life or wat?" Well, I don't believe it reincarnation but who knows... It was funny, whenever I fly into Europe, feels like I was flying home, and whenever I fly back to KL, feels like I'm leaving home, going away. As I look down at the snow-covered ground from the window of Swiss Air, I promised myself that if my mom goes and I'm still single, I'd move to Europe. Without my mother, there's nothing else keeping me here.


When I got into the taxi heading towards the airport, Home by Michael Buble was playing on the radio. It was the most appropriate song for the occasion but most inappropriate to describe my feelings at that moment. I turned to SL and said “No. I DON’T wanna go home!” And that was not the first time I utter those words when leaving Europe. And that was not the first sympathetic yet don't-quite-get-it smile I get in return. Guess they'll never get it.

Snow Hard, Pray Hard

It was snowing hard. I was praying hard. What did I pray for? For our flight to be delayed so we can spend more time in Switz..hahaha.. my wishful thinking included drafting an sms to my boss “Heavy snow. Flight delayed. Won’t be back in office as scheduled”. Cewah..I saved that message as draft, ready to be released once delay is officially announced. The verdict? Zurich’s sky was clear, so I flew home, reluctantly…nyampah!


Luzern – as lovely as ever. I found the watch shop again. How did I recognize it? The entrance – I recognized the spot where RS leaned against, while waiting for me getting my watch back then. Ironically, I met RS just the day before I left KL. He attended the CC event. In the presence of my colleagues and his PA, we played professionals. This was the first time we spoke again after 5 years. Has it been that long? Saw him again a few days ago. He attended another of our event. He looks much older now. Not as fit and yummy as before. Funny, even back then, I never thought of him as yummy until NS pointed it out. I guess my taste was different then. God bless NS for always being excited over my romantic lives.

Eventful Night

Though the last time I was here, I promised myself I'd stay in Interlaken the next trip, time and unpredictable weather didn’t allow me to keep that promise. So I followed RS’ advice before – Luzern it is. Coolest club ever – Hotel Astoria (basement? Penthouse?) Coolest bistro and pizza? Argh…can’t recall the name by I’ll find it again for sure – the hip looking one by the river in the old city. Hmm..Swiss Army (literally) - "I can almost see anak dia ngan u..sure cute!" SZ gone nuts, must be all that dancing. Anyone who saw us, walking and gigling under the pouring snow, back to the hotel that night must have thought we were drunk. Yes, we were high..but only with happiness. Who needs alcohol when you found great company, great music, handsome men and heavy snow! :D Mission accomplished!

I'm Back!!!

I'm back!!! Switzerland - has always been and remains, to this day, my fave holiday destination. Posted by Picasa

Monday, April 10, 2006

Missing Mascarpone

Yummy..German ice-cream..err, where's my Mascarpone?? Posted by Picasa

Kids Meal

Posted by Picasa"Tot this is a kids-meal"
"It is -American kids!". NZ was so excited, if this is kids-meal, his Big Bertha should be huge. Unfortunately it didn't turn out that way. So much for its name - BIG Bertha. That was sheer adult fun night. No, not adult as in xxx-rated or anything close to that. It was simply good company, good conversation and good food. I was there to accompany SZ to be introduced by her married friends to AN. I was technically, a lamp post. But the lamp post got the spot light - AN asked for my number instead. SZ didn't mind at all, in fact was very encouraging. She was clearly not into him. Not tall enough and dark, she said. But there was no date. We planned for one, but didn't get around it. Must have been my outloud burst of "OH MY GOD!" to his confession of having 3 kids from his previous marriage and "dinner at home tonight" reply. Hey, that wasn't an excuse you know, my mom was really cooking that night.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Your Driver is Here

6.45am - the guardhouse buzzed our apt. I would have left it for mom or sis to answer but they were busy and the buzzing was persistent. So I got up with a barely awake hello... and voila!

Morning m'am...your driver is here!
Your driver is here.
I think you've got the wrong number.
But isn't this unit bla bla?
Yes it is but am not expecting any driver.

Well, what do you know, Pn. Sri has got a driver! :))
God, you are sending me too many signs. The wondering and waiting is killin' me. Just send me the Tan Sri and his big bucks quick! :D

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