Health mishaps
This by far has been a bad week for me, never had I experienced a week full of health mishaps. First I had the cold..which wasn't that bad considering fever was low and the cold medicine was really effective, but then my voice is still sengau..still that is minor compared to the sudden neck and shoulder pain I had. The thai massage helped, GT's heat pack was a bliss but his swedish technique was overated :)).
And as if the neck-shoulder pain wasn't enuf to keep me stiff, I choked on a fish bone. Believe it or not, yes, I choked on a fish bone! And the ENT surgeon had the cheek to argue.."no bone, just ulcer". I was like, kepala hotak! "There's a fish bone stuck in there!" "No, I can't see it, just uler". True, even with the what-do-u-call the little camera in my throat, the little TV in front of us didn't show the damn bone. "Ayo, if the bone broke already and stuck inside, then I cannot pull it out". Oh, thanks doc, so much for calming down your patient.
Finally, after few tries and me struggling and chocking on his "deep throat" procedure, he picked the bone out using one of those sharp, long special scissors... thank god I hadn't had a meal that morning or I would have poured all over him. And there it was..a tiny bone at the tip of his scissors.."yeah..u got it, told u there's a fish bone!"
That's the good news, the bone is out. The bad news? The tiny devil cost me RM450. Yes a cut-throat price for a deep-throat treatment. The doc showed me the bone "nah..u wanna hold it?" I was like "NO!, throw the devil away!". Now I realized.. I should've taken a picture!